Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Captain's Blog: The Journey Begins

Captain's Blog, Stardate 3007.02.21.

I am the captain of the Spaceship Pilgrim. Our mission: to explore the galaxy, to seek out intelligent life, to venture forth boldly, to go where no one has explored before, and to not screw up.

Okay, I added that last one.

This is the official blog of Captain Jake Brooks. I've recently been promoted to captain in Spacefleet, the official combined military and science organization of the United Nations of Earth. I have spent the last sixteen years in Spacefleet, starting out as a junior lieutenant on a deep space mission aboard the UNE Shatner. But more about my background another day.

The Pilgrim left dry dock orbiting Earth this morning. The President was there to see us off as were hundreds of news reporters. It will take us two days to exit the Solar System before we can kick in the FTL drive (faster-than-light).

My first officer is a Bulcan, a member of an alien race known for their struggle to maintain control of their emotions. Yes, as we left drydock today, Mr. Spark, or Sparky as I've always called him, was crying like a baby. Bulcans look just like humans, except for those ears. The ears of a Bulcan are about ten inches long and fuzzy and remind me of a bunny rabbit. They are a highly intelligent species, with virtually a photographic memory. But they do tend to go from emotional extreme to another very quickly.

My chief engineer is of course Scottish. It's bad luck to not have a Scotsman in charge of your engines. John McBoozer is a brilliant engineer, although he tends to like his Scotch a bit too much.

Dr. Bony McQuack is the head doctor on board. It is her job to see to the health of the 350 crew members.

Enough for today. I need to get my sleep. Tomorrow we are going to exit the Solar System, after a quick close up look at the rings of Uranus. This is Captain Brooks, signing off.

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